Homeless Management Information System
The NM Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is the software that helps collect, organize, and utilize sensitive and confidential information of our local homeless populations throughout the state.
The information that is collected by our HMIS Team helps us, as a state, to stay proactive in the mission to end homelessness by: providing an accurate count of the homeless population, tracking the patterns of services used in different parts of the state, and tracking patterns of homeless causes and needs throughout our state. This data is then used to evaluate the effectiveness of services and to analyze where funding would be most appropriate.
about hmis
what is the hmis?
The HMIS – or Homeless Management Information System – is a local, centralized database which securely collects client-level information on demographics, characteristics and needs of people experiencing homelessness as well as data on the services that are available throughout our state for these clients.
why is the hmis important?
The data our HMIS Team collects allows us to examine how we are doing as a local community, region and state in meeting the needs of people experiencing homelessness. The HMIS further enables our partner providers to better manage client data, coordinate services, network resource allocation and more.
By federal mandate, the NM Continuum of Care is responsible for maintaining an HMIS that complies with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) data collection, management and reporting standards and is a requirement in receiving federal funding through the CoC.
how is the hmis administrated?
NM HMIS has used the Foothold AWARDS HMIS software since mid-late 2022.
Connect with our hmis team
For data quality, project setup, workflow, or reporting questions:
Email Jake Bates: jake-b@nmceh.org
For training details and registration or removing user accounts:
Email Julie Jacquez: julie-j@nmceh.org
For duplicate client records or overlapping enrollments:
Email Victoria Cruz: victoria-c@nmceh.org
For data quality and corrections questions:
Email Julie Langwell: julie-l@nmceh.org