We believe
that every individual and
family in New Mexico has a
right to a safe place to call home.
At the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness, we work with over 80 agencies and partner providers around the State to offer comprehensive services, housing options, resources and funding to support individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
about us
our mission
we believe everyone deserves a home.
Our mission is to assist communities to create solutions to homelessness; from prevention through permanent housing by using action, advocacy, and awareness.
what we do
Our Teams operate six main programs which assist both our partner providers as well as individuals and families experiencing homelessness in New Mexico.
Our story

The New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness was founded in the year 2000 by a group of nonprofit agencies and the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority.
During its first few years, the Coalition only had one staff person and concentrated on coordinating the federal funding program, the Continuum of Care, for the part of the state outside of Albuquerque. Our role was to assist our member agencies with issues in developing and operating programs and advocating for better ways to address homelessness at the NM State Legislature. In early 2006 the Coalition merged with a similar Coalition in Albuquerque and took on the task of assisting the City of Albuquerque with its Continuum of Care Application.
From 2006 to 2013 the Coalition worked closely with several member agencies to develop apartment communities that would house people who had been homeless. This effort resulted in the development of Chuska Apartments in Gallup, Vista Gallinas Apartments in Las Vegas, the Youth Shelters Transitional Living Apartments in Santa Fe, Village Sage Apartments in Santa Fe, and Stagecoach Apartments in Santa Fe.
In 2006 the Coalition also became the lead agency in New Mexico for managing the newly created New Mexico Homeless Management Information System or HMIS, a function required by the federal government in every state. Today the HMIS provides a way for us to track our progress on helping individual homeless people obtain housing and also to track our progress in ending homelessness in all of New Mexico.
In 2013 the Coalition began planning for a statewide system of Coordinated Assessment and began implementing the system in 2014. Agencies that participate in the Coordinated Assessment System use a common assessment tool to assess the housing and services needs of people experiencing homelessness. The Coordinated Assessment System works in conjunction with the HMIS database in order to identify who is most in need of supportive housing and where there are openings.
In 2016 NMCEH fully began its coordinated entry system for entry into federally funded homeless assistance funded housing. The program operates as one system for Albuquerque and one system for the rest of the state.
In 2017 NMCEH began its Supportive Housing Toolkit project. This project provides communities that are seeking to build new permanent supportive housing with technical assistance from expert consultants to help them through the long process of taking a project from conceptions through completion. Since implementing this project the Desert Hope project in Las Cruces has been completed and projects in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Socorro, and Mescalero are nearing completion.
In 2019 NMCEH agreed to act as fiscal agent for a new shelter in Espanola and in 2020 NMCEH became fiscal agent for a COVID era shelter in Santa Fe. NMCEH also operated a hotel program during the height of the pandemic.